63 degree egg with potato foam and chives

63 degree egg with potato foam and chives
  1. 1


63 degree egg with potato foam and chives



  • egg


  • potato


  • heavy cream

    40% of potato

  • butter

    25% of potato



  1. 1.

    Cook egg 40-45 minutes at 63 degree and separate egg yolk and egg white.

  2. 2.

    Boil the potato until potato is tender. (About 15-25 mins) Drain the potato and pass it through a ricer.

  3. 3.

    Warm up butter and heavy cream.

  4. 4.

    Convine together.


Ricer is better than food processor.

★よろこばレシピ エピソード

Everybody enjoyed the dish.

ピスナッチ あけみ (Peasnatch Akemi)さん

ピスナッチ あけみ (Peasnatch Akemi)さん

食いしん坊なイタリアンカナディアンの彼に毎日お料理をつくっています:) Please check my blog and YouTube Channel for the English recipe. My Blog: http://peasnatch.wordpress.com